
for Happiness

9 proven practices to overcome stress and live your best life.

Your Fellow Supporters

A welcome message from Ashish's Book Launch Director, Amber Vilhauer:

WELCOME FRIENDS! Ashish and I are so excited to connect!

If you’re new to Ashish, he is a highly-respected author in the business and marketing space.

Below you will find options for how you can support Ashish’s launch… and it’s MY job to make sure we come up with creative opportunities for YOU to get a lot more exposure for your business during his launch because my #1 priority as a Book Launch Director is to create powerful win-wins.

FIRST, I’d like you to really understand the concepts in the book, so please take a few minutes and watch this video to learn what Ashish’s Hardwired for Happiness book is all about:

A Message From Ashish

How This Launch Relates To You...

We know it’s YOU that business owners need most. If we arm you with the latest and most innovative information that creates business transformation then you can impact a greater amount of individuals. If there’s one thing to know about Ashish, he’s rooted in total goodness.

For now, we have one small ask: Bookmark this page (you’ll want to keep coming back to it!) and keep your eyes open for email communication from me.

I highly respect your time, so I won’t send you unnecessary updates, but you will want to be alert when I send you time-sensitive opportunities that allow you to WIN through our launch process. More to come!

Amber Vilhauer
Book Launch Director

Promo options

We are working hard to systematize several options for your involvement including live streaming, podcasting, viral activities and more. Amber will notify you when all options are available for your review!

Share With Your Community

We’ve created sample emails, social media posts and graphics for you to share with your community. Click the link below to access!

Leave An Amazon Review

Interested in leaving an Amazon review to support Ashish? Click the link below to access some helpful tips to ensure your review follows Amazon’s guidelines.

Live Stream

Ashish is available to co-host a 15-minute live Stream during launch week. Contact Amber below if you’d like to leverage this opportunity to gain more exposure for your brand and serve your audience in powerful ways.


Would you like to be the first to interview Ashish about his latest book? Contact Ashish’s team for scheduling.

Buy In Bulk

Discover the amazing rewards you can experience when you order multiple copies of Hardwired for Happiness.

Have Ashish speak live on stage or a virtual event

Ask Ashish to speak on your stage in 2022+ by contacting his team.

Marketing materials

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#HardwiredforHappiness will unlock more joy, connection, and fulfillment in your life. The 9 practices it teaches are simple yet profound, and I can’t wait to continue doing them! Thank you for an amazing book, Ashish Kothari! You can check it out here: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


Ashish Kothari gives you a simple set of practices to unlock more joy, connection, and meaning in your life with #HardwiredforHappiness. If you feel there’s more to life than the constant grind of your “to-do list” then this is one you need to check out: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


We’re living in the most abundant times in history, yet we’re struggling with our personal happiness and sense of meaning. Ashish Kothari provides a solution to this issue in #HardwiredforHappiness. It’s life-changing stuff! Get your copy here: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


After a 5+ year journey of awakening, Ashish Kothari learned exactly what works (and what doesn’t) to cultivate joy, happiness, connection, and fulfillment in life. Now in his book #HardwiredforHappiness, he’s going to teach you how to do it for yourself with 9 simple daily practices. Get your copy here: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


#HardwiredforHappiness is an important book for a lot of us to read right now. Ashish Kothari shares the most profound things he learned from reading 180+ books and studying thousands of hours of lectures and courses. The result is a set of practices that could completely transform your life. Check it out here: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


#HardwiredforHappiness will teach you 9 practices to take you from scarcity to joy and fulfillment. Check it out: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


Sick of life feeling “heavy”? You need to read #HardwiredforHappiness. It’ll teach you 9 practices to set yourself free: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/


#HardwiredforHappiness will take you on a journey inwards to live your best life! You’ve got to check it out: happinesssquad.com/hardwired-for-happiness/

Email #1

Subject Lines

  • Will you take the inward journey?
  • From Hardwired for Happiness (must read)
  • Ditch the negativity and live your best life!

Body Copy


It’s no lie…we’re living in a world full of abundance!

Yet most of us are living in a different reality; one of scarcity, anxiety, and fear.

Life feels heavy, difficult, and mostly negative when we should be feeling grateful and blessed.

Something’s clearly missing, but what is it?

My good friend Ashish Kothari has the answer in his brand new book “Hardwired for Happiness”.

==> Take The Journey Inwards to Live Your Best Life – Order Your Copy Here

Ashish is a coach, personal development expert, and author on a mission to improve the lives of as many people as he can.

After a 5+ year journey of awakening, he waded through over 180 books, thousands of hours of lectures, and countless courses to find a solution to his fearful living.

And now in “Hardwired for Happiness”, he’s condensed all that knowledge into 9 profound practices you can apply in your daily life for more joy, connection, and fulfillment.

==> Take The Journey Inwards to Live Your Best Life – Order Your Copy Here

Ashish isn’t just teaching some “fluffy” nonsense here – these practices have worked for him, and 100+ leaders who he interviewed in his research for the book.

That means they’re going to work for you too.

Let’s all start saying no to negativity and start experiencing the beauty life has to offer!

Click here to grab your copy of “Hardwired for Happiness” and give these practices a try.

They could be a gamechanger for you.

See you later!


Email #2

Subject Lines

  • 9 Daily Practices for Joy & Purpose
  • A solution for a happier life…
  • Lessons from a 5+ year awakening journey

Body Copy


Did you know there are 9 simple daily practices that can rid you of fear and anxiety, fill your life with purpose and meaning, and more?

Sounds too good to be true, right? 

Before you disregard this email, let me introduce you to my friend Ashish Kothari and his new book, “Hardwired for Happiness”.

Ashish is a coach, personal development expert, and author who embarked on a 5+ journey of awakening to escape from the depths of negativity.

He read 180+ books, studied thousands of hours of lectures, and delved into countless courses to find answers; a solution that made life happier and more meaningful.

And he found it.

In “Hardwired for Happiness”, Ashish will show you 9 profound daily practices that you can use to…

  • Let go of negative emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, and resentment
  • Fuel your life with compassion and kindness
  • Cultivate Mindfulness
  • Build a vibrant community of cheerleaders
  • Live intentionally
  • And much, much more.

And each chapter includes examples and stories of how these practices have impacted Ashish and the lives of hundreds of others.

If want to experience more joy, purpose, and fulfillment in life; if you want to feel more connected in your relationships; if you want to say goodbye to the fear, anxiety, anger, and resentment, this is the book for you

Click here to order your copy of “Hardwired for Happiness” today.

And be sure to share your thoughts on social media using the hashtag #HardwiredforHappiness.

Enjoy your journey!






Send An Email To Amber